Cecilia or “Cil,” as everyone has come to call her in the office, is very much the busy bee and she wouldn’t have it any other way. One of her favorite aspects of her job is being able to work in the front office as well as the back. Multitasking is very much in her DNA. She didn’t come into the office with an extensive dental background, but she caught on fast and enjoys learning something new every single day. She loves interacting with patients and being able to greet them as they walk in, or helping them review their treatment before they walk out. She is usually running all over the place, but being able to connect with people and making sure they understand the process of their treatment as well as being able to assist with any insurance questions is important to her. She also takes lead on all of our Social Media accounts and all of our monthly Campaigns. All the décor for the holidays and photo booth creations come from her crafty mind. She is always encouraging the rest of the ladies and patients to take photos and share their experiences at the office. 

Cecilia feels like the office is without a doubt an amazing place to work because of the women that work here. Educating and encouraging one another, while telling jokes, singing songs makes for an all-around enchanting atmosphere. She will tell you herself that sitting next to her sister Veronica all day is one of the best things about working at this office for her. Cecilia absolutely takes pride in working in an office full of phenomenal women that she looks up to. 

When Cecilia is not running the world with the rest of the women at the office she is usually planning her next vacation with her significant other Allen. They are always on the go and usually have another vacation planned before they have finished their last. She enjoys going to concerts and is usually the one picking the Oldies station at work. She definitely has an old soul and feels like she was born in the wrong era. She enjoys crafting, hiking, reading and watching Grey’s Anatomy with her family. Family is very important to her and she love spending time with them, when they all can. She and Veronica are probably planning their next family vacation right now.

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Call 408-298-0777 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.